
When you are stressed, your body releases hormones that can have a negative impact on your physical and mental performance. These hormones can make it difficult to focus, make quick decisions, and control your emotions. They can also lead to fatigue, muscle tension, and pain.

On the other hand, when you are relaxed, your body is able to function at its best. You are able to focus more clearly, think more quickly, and make better decisions. You are also less likely to experience fatigue, muscle tension, and pain.

Parents (& Children)

We get it. Parenting can be stressful and important to release your frustration, but only if you do so in a healthy manner! But when a parent yells, it can make a child feel scared, threatened, and insecure. This can lead to a number of negative consequences, such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It sends the message that the parent is not loving or supportive. Studies have shown that yelling does not actually help to change a child's behavior. In fact, it may actually make the behavior worse. If a parent yells at their child, the child is more likely to yell at others, including their friends, teachers, and other adults.


Pressure, stress, and anxiety can lead to lack of focus for students. When students are feeling stressed or anxious, they may have difficulty concentrating on their schoolwork. They may also be more likely to procrastinate or give up on assignments. There are a number of things you can do to ease stress (nutrition, sleep, fitness, etc), but sometimes it just feels good to let it all out.

Sports Fans

Did your favorite team lose? People are not fun to be around when they are angry. Anger is a negative emotion that can make people say and do things they regret. It can also lead to conflict and violence. When people are angry, they are more likely to be critical, judgmental, and aggressive. They may also be more likely to withdraw from others or lash out in anger.